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2024 Northshore Seminar
Thursday, October 17, 2024, 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM CST
Category: Events

Northshore Fall  Seminar

October 17, 2024


Northshore CLE

Pontchartrain Yacht Club





2:00 – 2:15 pm




2:15 – 3:00 pm

Recent Quantum Awards: Last October the Louisiana Supreme Court upset a near half-century old standard for reviewing quantum on appeal. In Pete v. Boland Marinethe court reversed course. It instructed the courts of appeal to consider damage awards in other cases as part of the assessment of whether the trier-of-fact abused its "vast discretion." Now, a year later, we review how the courts responded and what more the LASC has done to define the new paradigm. 

Eric Johnson, Comp Quantum

InCode Research, L.L.C.


3:00 – 4:00 pm

Ethics and Hidden Greed: based on a book by the same name by Robert G. Docters.  

We will cover how the ethical rules and ethical practices, which are historically based, can make your practice more profitable.

Bruce Cranner, Milling Benson Woodward, L.L.P. and

Meghan Bitoun, Legal Ethics, LLC.


4:00 – 5:00 pm

Insurance Law: Recent Developments

Judge Allison Penzato, Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal

and Stephen F. Butterfield, Taylor Wellons


5:00 – 6:00 pm







Member: $50 / Non-Member: $60

Register Today!


We would like to thank our sponsors:

A 50% refund will be given up to the week before the event. No refunds will be given during the week of the event.

Contact: Kimberly Zibilich - [email protected] - (504) 208-5510